What you have learned during the course

In this course we went through the “Open Science” topic. Briefly, Open Science is a regular change in the methods used in science and research. It’s a practice of science where everyone can collaborate or contribute, sharing any kind of data related to their research freely.

What is Open Science? | Open Science Twente

Among all the topics which have been discussed and explained in the course, I would take the Session 4 Disseminating your research: Open and FAIR data as my favourite one.

In this Session, we covered the aspects about the data you use, generate and share as a researcher. One of the key points was how to make your data FAIR (findable, accesible, interoperable and reusable).

Under this assumption, everything you produced in the course of your research could potentially be shared with the community. For this reason, not only you can win the trust of other researchers, but your results could be checked and confirmed, or even new insights could be derived from your studies.

This constant feedback improves the scientific community by acting as a security mechanism during the research and after the publication.

What is your personal opinion about Open Science and what are the drawbacks for practising OS it from your personal field/career.

As a researcher, I am convinced that investing in improving your “Open Science” skills is a fantastic idea, not only because it eases your work, but also because it contributes to improving the scientific community.

Personally, I will try to incorporate all the tools we have been provided during the course.

Indeed, Open Science is a great tool for researchers. Nevertheless, the amount of extra time and resources it needs to be accomplished should not be ignored.

As a researcher, one of your main jobs should be publishing your achievements and your studies. Especially, when you take in account that the funding sources are limited for the researchers.

This is why, in my opinion, you should not only focus in trying to be the most “Open Science” you can, but also focus in your own publications and achievements.

How are your plans to become an “Open Scientists” during your PhD and beyond.

Among all the ideas which have been presented during the course, I would like to highlight some of my favourites.

To begin with, I will start making my code and data in a way it follows the FAIR guidelines. This means, I’m supposed to correctly comment my code, detail the metadata files for everyone could use it in the future or create a Data Management Plan, and such like.

In addition, the use of Open Science tools (such as Tenzing or ORCID) will allow me to improve my researcher skills and outcomes.

In conclusion, I really liked the course and I would recommend it to any researcher. The speakers (including those in the Open Science Cafés) have been fantastic, and the material (videos, slides, links…) is extremely helpful.

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