Wake up call: science has to be open.

Wake up call: science has to be open.

In the last weeks , I have been part of the course Ticket to Open Science led by Eva Méndez. During the first weeks I thought I knew about open science, and making research accessible, but those notions could not have been so wrong.

Before this course I though having public access on your research was the best way to create Open science. However this is only the tip of the iceberg. Many responsibilities fall on the researcher shoulders when conducting his research. The pillars of open science, like the FAIR principles for data management, ensure that all research is not corrupted by greediness and publications stay impactul.

The tools taught during the course are already being of use for my research, and having an impact on how i design the experiments, I have started creating DMP using argos Openaire. Open source is of great interest to me and goes hand with hand with open science, ensuring science is reproducible. Even things that I thought that may have not been of use to my research field (engineering), like citizen science, can have an impact, and will consider to apply them for better results.

Knowing on which journal to publish is very important when designing your research, and the notions given on how to select them, where excellent. I also wonder when publishers enable notebooks or markup languages assuring the reproducibility of research and easing the share of ideas.

The speakers selected for the “cafés”, have been very insightful in their respective areas, and where a great kick of to all afternoons.

All in all, my conclusion is that science is not when one steps forward, but when everyone step on that direction, and open science ensures that everybody knows which direction to take.

Finally my congratulations to all the staff, specially Eva Méndez and Pablo Sánchez, who made this course possible and great.

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