Author: 100421054

    Documentación: Archivos y Bibliotecas en el Entorno Digital

UC3M Ticket to Open Science

My first experience with Open Science (OS) was through the research I did for my TFM where I analyzed the publication status of COVID-19 research data. It was a very enriching experience because I was able to learn about the different concepts that OS has today, the typology and identify how researchers are managing and publishing their data. In addition, the behavior of publishers and funding agencies as agents involved in this process.

I started the course with high expectations because of the topics and the speakers invited to the OS Cafés. After six weeks I can say that my expectations were satisfactorily exceeded because the contents have helped me to strengthen and increase the previous knowledge I had and learn new tools that will help me on my way as a researcher. The theoretical part was reinforced with the testimonies of the guests, who shared their experiences and real progress at different levels and areas where they are working towards the implementation and development of the OS.  In addition, I would like to emphasize the methodology in teaching the topics because they were dynamic and took into account the participation of the students.

During my early stage of research, I identified that researchers and institutions have different concepts about OS, but that they coincide in the action of sharing scientific knowledge product of a research. If we go further we can define that OS involves opening up the entire research process by documenting it and making it accessible for the benefit of the transparency of the research itself and of the article.

The main drawback from my point of view is the lack of knowledge on the subject among the agents that make up the OS which leads to the data not being FAIR, the publications are not on open access platforms even if they have been subsidized with public funds this contributes to the traditional evaluation system of science based on the impact factor and the number of citations.

As an open scientist I intend to create a digital identity in the main academic social networks to disseminate my research and in social networks that allow me to perform academic networking among researchers who develop similar lines of research with mine to promote the exchange of ideas and collaborative work. Likewise, to integrate into my research process the good practices of OS, that is, to elaborate a Data Management Plan (DMP) from the beginning of the research, to publish in a multidisciplinary repository that complies with the FAIR principles the research data that prove the transparency of my publications and to choose an open access journal to publish my articles.

Finally, I can say that the experience was enriching and I am enthusiastic about the idea of creating spaces like this course so that more researchers can learn about the benefits of becoming an Open Scientist.