Author: Tony Hernández

Open Science mushroom

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Today we begin the UC3M Ticket to Open Science sessions. Some questions remained unanswered. Does anyone dare to comment?

  1. Isn’t a platform such as Sci-hub what we want to create for Open Science? A portal accessible for everyone containing all the scientific knowledge? Why some researchers are so against it?
  2. What are the risks of Open source?
  3. Are there potential interest conflicts between scientific research ethics and open science?
  4. How can this new paradigm of open publications will be adapted with previous publications that were published but not in an open journal? Is it supposed that there will be a migration? Or this way of publication only works from now on?

And someone let us know about another open source reference manager, JabRef, that works directly over the BibTex file so it’s easier versioning, sharing and managing it. Thank you for sharing.