This training activity is organised by the Vicerrectorship for Research Policy and it is part of the HRS4R actions regarding training in Open Science for Early Career Researchers.
Course coordinators/facilitators:
Prof. Dra. Eva Méndez. Deputy Vice-president for Research Policy. Open Science
Prof. Dr. Tony Hernández. Vice Dean of Information and Digital Content management. Library and Information Science Department
Target Audience:
PhD students @UC3M
Number of Students:
Course format:
Online synchronous
Number of hours:
2,5 hours a week (1,5 + 1 hour of Open Science Café)
From 11 to 12:30 – Regular course sessions From 13:00 to 14:00 – Open Science Cafés
To get the 2 Credits, all the students need to attend, at least, 80% of the sessions and actively participate in the Open Science Cafés (questions, chats, etc.). Finally, every student has to write a final “open” post about their learning and opinions about the course.